Prohibited Person List PPL
Branimir Bojic, Lead Implementation Manager, API & Integrations Specialist
Prohibited Person List: Safeguard your journal's credibility with S1M's Prohibited Person List. Receive instant alerts when known bad actors attempt to submit or review, ensuring your journal's integrity is protected at the front line.
Branimir Bojic, Lead Implementation Manager, API & Integrations Specialist
A feature that was introduced in the latest release of ScholarOne Maniscripts - it introduces changes to how you can download the keywords and what you can see in the actual files that you download. We will show you how you can actually utilize this feature best.
Reviewer Recommender Tool
Branimir Bojic, Lead Implementation Manager, API & Integrations Specialist
A feature that was introduced recently and that was in beta up until this particular release - the reviewer recommender tool. This feature is not related to the Web of Science reviewer search but carries a lot of weight and importance as it simplifies the process of searching for reviewers on your site.
My Search Preferences
Dean Bedford, Founder & President
We will share information about a powerful functionality called "My Search Preferences" which helps you get the most out of utilizing the application ScholarOne Manuscripts and locating the information you need (author information, reviewer information...the wealth of information in the system).
Peer Review History
Branimir Bojic, Lead Implementation Manager, API & Integrations Specialist
Branimir has been involved with all things peer-review for over 16 years. Starting in general support, he moved through several teams, before establishing the Client Solutions team which deals with sits configurations and consulting. He will take you on a journey through the history of peer review.
Reviewer Pagination
Branimir Bojic, Lead Implementation Manager, API & Integrations Specialist
A feature that was introduced in one of the latest releases and which tackled an issue related to the reviewer lists and the problem that arose from you not being able to see all of your reviewers in one single place. It makes the search process easier.
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